
How Pre-Meeting Alerts Buck the Current Enterprise AI Trend

The State of Enterprise AI 

With enterprises honing their focus on AI, corporate leadership has moved beyond an initial curiosity phase to one of trial and implementation. According to a recent study by Bain & Company, 87 percent of companies surveyed reported they are experimenting with AI applications in their business operations. This is great progress for a nascent technology. However, for a range of reasons, adoption remains relatively slow:  


The three main challenges – increasingly reported by companies – hindering implementation are:  

  • A lack of preparedness for generative AI  
  • A lack of internal resources to manage the implementation  
  • Difficulty coupling these tools with internal data  

The authors have grouped these three challenges as “organizational readiness.” While the report doesn’t explicitly state it, readiness can be especially difficult in regulated industries like investment banking and healthcare. Scrutiny over data architecture, access, and control raises the hurdle for external technology to permeate a regulated entity’s perimeter. 

How Investment Banks Can Accelerate AI Return on Investment (ROI)

Regulated industries such as investment banking need enterprise-grade solutions that address the common problems of AI procurement. They must partner with solutions providers who know how to navigate the process of AI procurement. They need to mitigate the confabulation problems of generative AI given the requirement of accuracy, they need to be integrated within existing knowledge workflows to ensure adoption, they need to have data security and data interoperability built into their foundation, and they need to be actual products that deliver from the get-go. 

Addressing these challenges has been at the core of ModuleQ’s approach. Our Unprompted AI is designed to work within a regulated entity’s perimeter, to interact privately with the bank’s proprietary data, and to be as plug-and-play as realistically possible for a productivity solution. 

Across our Unprompted AI, we have two flagship feature sets: pre-event preparatory alerts personalized to your calendar, and breaking alerts personalized to your role, activity, and area of focus. In this piece, we’ll walk you through the Pre-Meeting Alert, and how it addresses the common problems of adoption and time-to-value with AI while demonstrating how it improves meeting quality (a key component of a banker’s job) while increasing conversion rates for new business. 

Enhancing Productivity with Pre-Meeting Alerts 

ModuleQ’s Pre-Meeting Alert surfaces helpful meeting prep materials directly to the users’ workflow. This information is delivered proactively to your Microsoft Teams platform at a set interval before a meeting on your calendar. This simple but powerful tool ensures that a banker is always prepared heading into a meeting. 

Pre-Meeting Alerts deliver significant productivity increases without distracting the user from their daily workflow. It does this by combining all the internal and external information a banker needs to know heading into a meeting. This information is delivered via a standardized card, filled with links and insights for the user to gain a customer summary with the ability to dive deeper.  


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Pre-Meeting Alerts: Collating Key Information Sources 

Pre-Meeting Alerts collate information across three major branches: Meeting Details, Company/Relationship Insights, and Company News & Research. These insights are powered by reliable and secure internal data, such as from the bank’s own CRM. It is delivered without the downside of generative AI confabulation. Company-specific information is sourced from 3rd party vendors and market data from reliable vendors such as LSEG and Pitchbook. High-quality equity research housed within the bank’s perimeter is also incorporated. The integration of these data sources into a compact alert provides accurate and timely information, ensuring a banker gets up to speed quickly while getting the most from their meeting. 

Meeting details include foundational information, such as who the person is you are meeting, what the organizational relationship is, what the last touchpoints across the firm were, and who the key stakeholders are. Given the complexity of businesses such as global banks, keeping these lines of communication clear is often a chore, requiring users to jump on conference calls, ping team members with multiple emails, or navigate complex CRMs. While Pre-Meeting Alerts surface the most salient information, they are loaded with direct links to your internal repositories of information, so you can drill in where needed. 

Time Savings from Pre-Meeting Alerts 

The Pre-Meeting Alert compresses all of the disparate sources of information a banker conventionally gathers before a meeting. What was traditionally a few hours of manual work is now a few clicks. By surfacing various sources of information into one compact card, Pre-Meeting Alerts allow bankers to navigate to their internal portals seamlessly without losing task orientation. This fosters greater engagement with their systems of record such as CRMs, which often pose barriers to interaction with busy knowledge workers. Pre-Meeting Alerts are delivered in the custom time window most convenient to the banker:  

  • 1 hour before the meeting 
  • The night before in a batch (e.g., a sales trip) 
  • On-demand as requested by the user when communicating with our AI 

The results speak for themselves. Bankers who use ModuleQ’s Pre-Meeting Alerts go into every meeting prepared. They handle grueling back-to-back travel meetings with greater focus and accuracy. They cross-pollinate the necessary information with their global teams. All of this increases meeting productivity while unlocking business development opportunities. 

Overcome the Hurdles of AI Adoption with ModuleQ’s Pre-Meeting Alert 

Returning to the Bain & Company survey, many businesses have expressed challenges with their initial forays into generative AI. Between October 2023 and February 2024, the percentage of respondents who believed generative AI met expectations on improving knowledge worker effectiveness fell by 11%, one of the largest category declines across their survey. 

The most cited issues included performance, output quality, and an inability for the tool to understand their workflows. Performance comes from using the right tool (drinking from a fire hose or from an espresso cup). Output quality is about filtering information, and understanding workflows is all about personalization. These are core foundations of ModuleQ’s philosophy toward empowering knowledge workers. 

We think that the bright but open-ended promise of generative AI blanket solutions can sometimes be their flaws when applied to specific niches of knowledge. ModuleQ’s use of LLMs and generative AI technology is designed to play to its strengths while diminishing weakness. This follows our philosophy of thinking about the product first and choosing the right infrastructure to enhance the user experience. 

ModuleQ’s Unprompted AI solutions such as Pre-Meeting Alerts are designed precisely with the enterprise workflow in mind. We deliver a turnkey solution to improve each banker’s productivity, leading to greater client engagement and increased revenue generation potential.  

To learn more about Pre-Meeting Alerts, click here to reach out for a demo. 

How Pre-Meeting Alerts Buck the Current Enterprise AI Trend