Unprompted AI

Unprompted AI surfaces insights predictively, ensuring the right data gets to the right person at the right time.

Unprompted AI - Header@2x
Push vs Pull

What is Unprompted AI?

ModuleQ’s Unprompted AI uses patented Personal Data Fusion® to build a dynamic user profile around each professional's workflow to deliver relevant insights proactively.​ 

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Prompted AI
Unprompted AI
You ask specific questions
AI anticipates your needs
What it means
You shift from your workflow to prompt
Information is surfaced directly in your workflow
User effort
High: you tell the AI what you need
Low: the AI figures out what you need and adjusts over time
Information Delivery
Reactive: it answers your questions​
Proactive: it delivers relevant information​
Insights Hub

How Unprompted AI Works

With ModuleQ, information is surfaced in your collaboration platform meeting users where they already are.

Before - Information Overlaod@2x

Before ModuleQ: System Overload

Financial professionals are busy, so getting them to use new data systems or software (like a CRM) can be a challenge. The key is to remove any obstacles that make it hard for them to adopt these tools into their workflow.

Unprompted AI@2x

After ModuleQ: Unprompted AI

Logging in and learning new tools can be a hassle, and switching between them disrupts your focus. Unprompted AI helps by automatically delivering the information you need, right when you need it.

Fast, Secure, High-Impact AI Implementation

The AI Easy Button